1822 C27

1822 C27

Our photo gallery allows you to view digital photographs in two different ways:
  1. To view a photograph within your existing browser, click on the text link for each individual photograph; or
  2. To view a photograph within another browser with advanced zooming capabilities, click in the "thumb nail" image for each individual photograph.

:Show image '1822 C27 / 2 - Photo 1' in New Window:
1822 C27 / 2 - Photo 1
172 KB, approx. 33 seconds at 56.6Kbps
:Show image '1822 C27 / 2 - Photo 2' in New Window:
1822 C27 / 2 - Photo 2
169 KB, approx. 33 seconds at 56.6Kbps
:Show image '1822 C27 / 2 - Photo 3' in New Window:
1822 C27 / 2 - Photo 3
82 KB, approx. 16 seconds at 56.6Kbps
:Show image '1822 C27 / 2 - Photo 4' in New Window:
1822 C27 / 2 - Photo 4
121 KB, approx. 23 seconds at 56.6Kbps
:Show image '1822 C27 / 2 - Photo 5' in New Window:
1822 C27 / 2 - Photo 5
181 KB, approx. 35 seconds at 56.6Kbps
:Show image '1822 C27 / 2 - Photo 6' in New Window:
1822 C27 / 2 - Photo 6

93 KB, approx. 18 seconds at 56.6Kbps  
Tsodilo Resources Limited
1 King Street West, Suite 4800
Toronto, ON Canada M5H 1A1
Telephone: (416) 800-4214
Fax: (416) 987-4369
Website: www.TsodiloResources.com/