News Releases

April 26, 2007
Program Update
TORONTO, ONTARIO - Tsodilo Resources Limited ("Tsodilo") (TSX Venture Exchange: TSD) is pleased to announce that the drill investigation of 10 priority targets in the Guma region in the Newdico (Pty) Limited ("Newdico") license blocks in northwest Botswana has been completed.

Prior heavy mineral sampling by Tsodilo recovered kimberlite indicator minerals with encouraging chemical compositions in the Guma area. The targets were initially identified by the interpretation of high resolution airborne magnetic data over the area with follow up soil sampling and the targets were then delineated using ground magnetic and gravity surveys. A total of 1,900 meters of drill core was collected and is currently being moved to the Company's facilities in Maun, Botswana where the core will be logged, split and selected portions sent out for petrographic descriptions and kimberlite indicator mineral recovery and analysis.

During the period 1995 to 2000, the Geological Survey of Botswana conducted a regional geochemical survey of N.W. Ngamiland that essentially covers all of our Newdico and Gcwihaba diamond prospecting licenses. Their results indicate that there are several broad zones of base metal enrichment corresponding broadly to the zones where Damara aged metasediments have been overthrust northwards onto the Archaen basement rocks. There are, however several smaller zones within these widespread anomalous areas that justify closer study. The highest Nickel values recorded in the entire Ngamiland survey (up to 150 ppm) were from the Morama Nickel anomaly. This area may in fact, be the true margin of the Congo craton and therefore the locus of intrusive events. Many base metals, particularly Nickel and Chrome ores are associated with mafic and ultra-mafic intrusive rocks which exist in the area.

Due to the very fine aeolian sand cover in the area, the Company has hired a drill rig to drill a series of starter holes and insert casing in the two anomalies and the dyke-like feature which lies between the anomalies. When that work is completed, the Company's diamond core drill rig will move on-site and obtain samples for further analysis and evaluation. The Company has performed a ground geophysical magnetic survey of the area and these images can be viewed on the Company's website at: /s/Imagery.asp in the subsection entitled - Gcwihaba Resources (Pty) Limited - Base Metals.

The Company has prepared a base metal or chalcophyle index based on the results of the Geological Survey of Botswana's geochemical survey and illustrative versions of these results can be viewed on the Company's website at /s/GcwihabaMetals.asp .

Nxau Nxau Kimberlite Field
The Company's Atlas Copco CT14 diamond core drill rig is being moved to the Nxau Nxau kimberlite field region to continue drilling priority targets and to further investigate what appears to be ancient paleo drainage channels traversing the Nxau Nxau kimberlite field and leading to the Tsumkwe and Omatako diamond and KIM anomalies to the west in Namibia.

In late 2006, an additional hole was placed in the A15 kimberlite in order to obtain a fresh core sample for analysis. Eleven samples from borehole A15/5 were selected in Maun, Botswana for petrographic analysis. These samples are listed in Table 1 together with a brief macroscopic description.
Table 1. Samples selected for analysis

Sample No.  Depth  Brief description
A15 5/1     69.8m  Friable, green/grey, fragmental, massive with fragments 
                   of dolerite up to 70mm, smaller dolomite and mudstone 
                   and abundant altered olivine & ilmenite in a finer matrix
A15 5/2     82.8m  As above but less dolerite and more mudstone and shale
A15 5/3     99.0m  As above
A15 5/4    112.0m  As above. Ilmenite macrocrysts up to 10mm
A15 5/5    127.5m  As above
A15 5/6    141.0m  As above 
A15 5/7    156.5m  As above
A15 5/8    170.0m  Fewer larger xenoliths, most < 20 mm in size
A15 5/9    188.3m  As above
A15 5/10   202.8m  As above
A15 5/11   221.0m  As above
The rock is petrographically classified as a diatreme facies, magmaclastic tuffisitic kimberlite breccia or massive volcaniclastic kimberlite. It is petrographically rated as high interest based on the maximum grain size of groundmass opaque spinels present in magmaclasts. Based on the current and the previous work done on the A15 kimberlite, it would appear that there are 2 or 3 distinctive intrusive events that comprise this body. We are encouraged by the petrography of A15/5 and are awaiting the results of the mineral chemistry to determine if the collection of a 100 ton mini-bulk sample for macro diamond testing is warranted. Mineral chemistry and petrography reports on the A15 kimberlite, can be viewed on the Company's website at: /s/MineralChemistry.asp .

Tsodilo Resources Limited is an international diamond exploration company engaged in the search for economic kimberlites at its Newdico (Pty) Limited ("Newdico') and Gcwihaba Resources (Pty) Limited ("Gcwihaba") projects in northwest Botswana. The Republic of Botswana is the leading producer of diamonds, by value, in the world and its mines are amongst the most profitable. The country is democratically ruled, boasting a growing economy and a stable political environment. Tsodilo has an 90% stake in Newdico (16,800 sq. km under diamond license) while Trans Hex Group, a South African diamond mining and marketing company, holds the remaining 10%. The southern Gcwihaba project area (6,703 sq. km under diamond license and 3,780 sq. km under base and precious metals licenses) is 100% held by the Company. Tsodilo Resources Limited manages the exploration of both the Newdico and Gcwihaba license areas. Please visit the Company's website,, for additional information and background on our projects.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release. This news release may contain assumptions, estimates, and other forward-looking statements regarding future events. Such forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties and are subject to factors, many of which are beyond the Company's control, which may cause actual results or performance to differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.


James M. Bruchs - President and Chief Executive Officer
E-Mail -
Head Office - Telephone +1 416 572 2033 Facsimile + 1 416 987 4369
Tsodilo Resources Limited
1 King Street West, Suite 4800
Toronto, ON Canada M5H 1A1
Telephone: (416) 800-4214
Fax: (416) 987-4369